A Revolution in Guitar Picks

Loosen Your Grip and let go with SnakePick.


Designed to let you relax.

Size & Gauge

Pick the size and gauge to suit your style.

Expand the Bounds

Broader, more precise sound.

So What are SnakePicks?

SnakePick is an Australian born product that was initially created to help guitarists not concentrate so much on holding the pick. What resulted was the birth of a tool that allows you to completely let go and still have perfect control. SnakePick has now become essential to guitarists from all walks of life, including sufferers of Parkinson’s Disease, Arthritis, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and amputees.

“SnakePick has made playing bass so much more pleasurable.  I play bass for The Alements, a punk band from Annapolis Maryland, USA.  Our songs are fast.  I’ve always used a pick and prefer the technique and sound of downpicking. Downpicking was used and perfected by Dee Dee and CJ Ramone, two bassists I grew up admiring.  Before I started using SnakePick the combination of fast playing and gripping a regular pick always caused my hand to cramp up.  I started experimenting with special picks designed to stay on your finger and came across SnakePick about a year ago.  These picks are killer!  They wrap around my index finger and allow me to decrease the amount of pressure on my grip.  The result is fast downpicking with no hand cramp.  Because of SnakePick I can play without worry, which increases my confidence and improves my performance.”

Ron Saccocccio, The Alements

“I use these picks religiously while playing the bass. I have MS and my pick hand often cramps. This ensures I do not lose my pick. I have been able to continue to strum even when my hand was in full cramp mode. Thank you for creating this career saving product!!!!”

“Just received mine, wow…I have tendon damage, for last 20 years couldn’t grip a pick ,tried everything …just put this on. ..sending off for a couple more just in case I loose one…thank you…”

“Just wanted to send you a message to say thank you so much… Your design has enabled me to actually hold a pick with comfort for the very first time. I have a severely disfigured hand and the snake pick’s ability to wrap around my finger, allows me to hold and control the pick with much more accuracy. I am a beginner and happy to be a perpetual beginner at that. However, the doors your product have opened warms my heart!”

“I just received my set of picks a few minutes ago. They work so well!

I know you didn’t start out to make picks for handicapped folks, but this one is better for me than all the others I’ve purchased.

I have lost my grip strength over the last year and have been searching for helpful devices. Your’s is awesome!

I can’t believe how simple and elegantly your SnakePick works.”

“I simply had to write and tell you how much your pick is helping me. I just got my first pack today from. Musicians Friend and after two hours of trying your Snakepick I am going to give away all other type picks I have. I am 55 years old and life long guitar player but have lost most of the use of my right thumb. I have been depressed to some degree to think I might have to simply give up playing but with your Snakepick I felt like my hand was fully healed and had a blast playing today. I tried just about every kind of pick and grip improvement gimmick. The Snakepick has changed everything to the good for me.” 

Turkey Creek, Louisiana, U.S.A.